Insegnare italiano attraverso la storia. L’approccio CLIL e il peso di conoscenze pregresse e curriculum di studio nella definizione del rapporto tra contenuto e lingua


  • Moreno Bonda Department of Foreign Languages, Literature and Translation Studies. Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania.


Mots-clés :

CLIL, Italian, prior knowledge, language teaching, Jean Piaget


This article considers problematic aspects of the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach to the teaching of historical subjects in a foreign language. Specifically, the teaching of history of the Mediterranean region in a monolingual class of learners of Italian as foreign language is examined as a case study.

The main lexical areas developed during four years of bachelor studies in Italian philology are compared with the main lexical competences actually required in the Lithuanian job market for translators specialized in Italian language. The incongruences between the competences required by employers and those developed at university constitute the base for a discussion about the validity of several CLIL precepts.

Firstly, the CLIL principle that the content (the subject) should always determine the teacher’s lexical choices, and generally, the teaching language, is challenged. As an example, the teaching of history in Italian would impose the use of passato remoto tense, which in the job market seems to be almost unnecessary. Secondly, the author challenges the idea that the list of topics should be determined independently from other factors such as the type of audience. On the contrary, a preliminary evaluation of student’s prior knowledge permits to define topics capable of stimulating certain cognitive and communicative abilities coherently with the requirements of the job market.

In the conclusions, the author claims the whole four-years study curriculum should be considered in order to define the aims of a CLIL course. Secondly, in a monolingual class, a survey of student’s prior knowledge is fundamental to determine the series of topics presented in a CLIL module. Finally, it does not seem necessarily true, that the subjects discussed must determine the register and lexical choices of the teacher.  


Biographie de l'auteur-e

Moreno Bonda, Department of Foreign Languages, Literature and Translation Studies. Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Moreno Bonda is associate professor at the Department of Modern Languages and Intercultural Communication of the Kaunas Technological University; M. Bonda is lecturer at the Italian Studies and Romance Languages programme of the Department of Foreign Languages, Literature and Translation Studies of Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. M. Bonda cooperates with the Italian Institute of Culture of Vilnius as conferences organizer and teacher. Moreno Bonda is a historian and philologist graduated at the University of Turin, Italy. M. Bonda Earned his Ph.D. in history at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania. M. Bonda devotes his researches to the philosophy of language in early modern Europe. A number of recent publications focus on Jesuit historiography and the mathematical approach in 18th century historiography. In 2017 M. Bonda has been awarded the Order of the Star of Italy, class of Knight, civil honor for merits in the promotion of the Italian culture in Lithuania.  




Comment citer

Bonda, Moreno. 2019. « Insegnare Italiano Attraverso La Storia. L’approccio CLIL E Il Peso Di Conoscenze Pregresse E Curriculum Di Studio Nella Definizione Del Rapporto Tra Contenuto E Lingua ». Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies 10 (1):11.


