“We are ourselves fremdsprachig”: Foreign Literature Studies in the Twenty-First Century


  • Randi Koppen University of Bergen




Leonard Woolf, The Village in the Jungle


This article discusses the question of the relevance of foreign language literary studies in light of current European research policies – specifically some of the "challenges" formulated in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2016-17. Through a reading of Leonard Woolf's 1913 novel The Village in the Jungle, the author argues that the fundamental stance that defines foreign language literary studies – that of the foreigner – comes with a heuristic, cognitive and ethical potential that also translates into other disciplines and areas of enquiry.


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How to Cite

Koppen, Randi. 2017. “‘We Are Ourselves fremdsprachig’: Foreign Literature Studies in the Twenty-First Century”. Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies 7 (September). https://doi.org/10.15845/bells.v7i0.1204.