How to annotate morphologically rich learner language. Principles, problems and solutions
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learner corpus, corpus annotation, error taggingAbstract
This article illustrates the grammatical and error annotations of a morphologically rich learner language with the help of the International Corpus of Learner Finnish (ICLFI). It especially focuses on problems and solutions in morphological and error annotation, both of which are challenging due to the rich morphological structure of the target language. The article also introduces existing Finno-Ugric learner data and their annotation schemes, and compares those with the ones used in ICLFI annotations. Learner data variables, taxonomy, and principles in grammatical and error annotation are also discussed with the help of the ICLFI in the present article.Riferimenti bibliografici
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Copyright (c) 2015 Sisko Brunni, Liisa-Maria Lehto, Jarmo H. Jantunen, Valtteri Airaksinen
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